Monday, May 2, 2011

Point 5.) Rest

Are you working out like crazy, but not seeing any results? Then, it’s time to take a break because your muscles need to rest. I understand that you want to keep pushing, but there is no point of pushing yourself when you’re not giving it 100%.

The rest will allow you to recover. Focus on your diet and start planning new workouts during this break. I read books like "Muscle Chow" and a runners book.  Check out this site to find new and unique workouts (if you like it, then subscribe to the magazine like I did):

If you feel like you need to be active, then take a yoga class (It'll stretch your entire body).

I hit a plateau about three weeks ago, so I took a break. After the break, I immediately lost 5 lbs, and ran 7 miles.  It was a needed rest because I was pushing my body to its limits without giving it any time to recover.

A combination of recovery, and a good diet will help your body recover efficiently. Come back stronger and harder once your rest period is over.

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