The first 10lbs you lose in a month is what I like to call the “INACTIVE FAT” when you are starting an exercise program and/or diet. It’s the fat that just sits there because you haven’t done anything in a long time. Hence, all those infomercial that claim you will lose “10 lbs in 1 month” or “1 inch off your waist” is true because you’re now active after being inactive for a long time. Thus, you’ll burn off that “inactive fat” in a month.
Additionally, an individual will most likely start to watch what they eat when they start a workout plan because they want it to be effective. Then, they stop it because it’s “too much work” after a month. Please fight that urge to stop. It’s a slow progress, and you need to form a habit. Hence, I wrote these points in order of importance – Plenty water, eat well, and be active. Try to do this for a month because it takes 28 days to form a habit.
Do you know how many miles do you walk in a day?
A mile or two? This would depend on your kind of work. If you work a 9-5 desk job, then you are limited. If you’re a construction worker, then you’ll be very active.
You’ll burn more calories when you are active. Being active is walking that quarter mile to the grocery store, and carrying the grocery bags instead of driving your car. Take the stairs instead of the elevators.
I was constantly tired after exercising when I first started the regimen. Therefore, I would go to the gym every other day. However, I would purposely park my car farther away from a destination (on the day I didn’t go to the gym) because I wanted to walk more to burn more calories. You’re adding more steps during your day, and each day you are building your endurance.
Don’t forget that being active can be fun, too! Go ride a bike on the beach. Take your dog for a hike. Go on a date to a skating rink. JUST GO!
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